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This document is a neighbourhood plan for Ongar. The purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan policies is to guide development within the parish. When a Neighbourhood Plan is made, it forms part of the statutory development plan for the area, together with the adopted Local Plan. Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the polices of both the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


The process of producing Ongar Neighbourhood Plan has sought to involve the community as widely as possible, in addition to putting together a robust evidence base. The topic areas reflect matters of considerable importance to Ongar, its residents, businesses, and community groups.


The Ongar Neighbourhood Area was designated in 2017 and covers the Civil Parish of Ongar. A map of the area is on the following page.


This Neighbourhood Plan covers the period from 2020 to the end of 2033. Full weight will be given to its policies once it has been made i.e. the date it has passed local referendum.


Whilst preparing the Neighbourhood Plan, a number of actions have been identified which are not specifically related to land use matters and therefore outside the scope of Neighbourhood Plan policies. These actions and projects are included in an accompanying Projects and Action Plan Appendix of Ongar Neighbourhood Plan. The Action Plan is not part of the statutory neighbourhood plan, and the actions will be addressed by Ongar Town Council and/or other organisations.


Ongar Town Council, as the Neighbourhood Plan body, will be responsible for monitoring and periodically reviewing the Plan, to respond to changing circumstances.


The Civil Parish Boundaries of Ongar with the conservation areas in yellow.

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