All documents available to be downloaded
​​Documents for EFDC re submission of ONP
Ongar Neighbourhood Plan (2020-2033) Submission Version August 2021 final V2
Ongar Neighbourhood Plan (2020-2033) Appendix - Projects and Actions August 2021
Consultation Statement for Ongar Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2033 (ONG-EF106) final proofread
Representations from Statutory Bodies
ONP Evidence File
General Documents
National Policy Planning Framework
EFDC Local Plan Evidence Base
Ongar Neighbourhood Plan Evidence
ONG-EF100 Ongar Neighbourhood Plan Appendix - Projects and Actions
ONG-EF111 Ongar NDP Basic Conditions Statement Sept 2021 V3 Urban Vision Enterprise
Rural Regeneration (section 6)
EB1118 Infrastructure Delivery Programme update 2021 Part B
EB405 & EB406 Opinion Research Services (ORS) EFDC Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2015 & updates
EB801 ARUP Report on site selection and its Chipping Ongar Town Proforma
EFDC Ongar Regeneration Study and Proposals Paul Messenger 2020
Epping Ongar Railway Press Release January 2020
Environment and Design (section7)
Beckett K P, Freer-Smith P and Taylor G (2000) Journal of Arboriculture 26 (1), 12-19.details on particle filtration
EB1005 www.efdclocalplan.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/EB1005-Ongar-Community-Tree-Strategy-EFDC-2008.pdf
EB1590D EFDC Green Infrastructure Strategy Implementation
EB800-EB805 EFDC Local Plan 2011-2033 evidence base for site selection (external reports)
EFDC Chipping Ongar Conservation Area Appraisal 1998 by Maria Medlycott
ONG-EF701 EFDC Chipping Ongar Conservation Area leaflet 1998
EFDC Local Plan policies on: Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure; Protected Species, Priority Species and Priority Habitats; Tree Protection; Protection, Enhancement, Management and Monitoring of Biodiversity; Landscape Character and Features; and Green Buffers.
Habitats Directive/Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.
assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/341513/pdfmanforstreets.pdf (and Manual for Street)
indd.adobe.com/view/23366ae1-8f97-455d-896a-1a9934689cd8 (Housing Design Audit for England 2020)
https://tsrgd.co.uk/pdf/mfs/mfs2.pdf (Manual for Streets 2)
www.efdclocalplan.org/local-plan/hearing-sessions/ (EFDC Local Plan Hearing Sessions record)
www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Draft%20green%20infrastructure%20strategy.pdf (EFDC Blue and Green Infrastructure Strategy)
www.essex.gov.uk/protecting-environment ([1] ECC Green Infrastructure Strategy)
www.essex.gov.uk/protecting-environment (ECC Green Infrastructure)
Land Character and Green Belt Review papers for EFDC for site selection
ONG-EF704 Response from EFDC CEO to Alex Burghart MP case no. AB17683
ONG-EF705 letter from Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP to Alex Burghart MP case no 17683
Roding, Beam & Ingrebourne Catchment Plan see details in Evidence file
Community and Transport Infrastructure (section 8)
EB801O ARUP Site Selection Report Town Proforma of Chipping Ongar 2016 EB801O Appendix C
ONG-EF800 Ongar Local Green Space Assessment and Proposals 2020
updated 6th September 2021