From analysis of evidence, and also the outcomes of community engagement, the following aims have been identified:
Enabling rural and urban regeneration of the Parish.
Creating a more vibrant historic High Street in Chipping Ongar.
Ensuring development is sustainable, well-designed and creates a distinctive local identity.
Protecting or enhancing the historic, natural and rural environments of Ongar.
Creating more sustainable live/work patterns.
Maintaining and expanding the range of local community facilities and amenities.
These aims are translated into a set of policies grouped under three headings, as follows:
Rural Regeneration
Policy ONG-RR1: Employment and Rural Diversification
​Policy ONG-RR2: Chipping Ongar High Street
Policy ONG-RR3: New Housing Mix and Standards
Policy ONG-RR4: Broadband
Environment and Design
Policy ONG-ED1: Local Character and Design
Policy ONG-ED2: Design and Character in the Chipping Ongar Conservation Area
Policy ONG-ED3: Historic Buildings
Policy ONG-ED4: Sustainable Design
Policy ONG-ED5: Environment
Policy ONG-ED6: Landscape Buffers
Community and Transport Infrastructure
Policy ONG-CT1: Local Green Space
Policy ONG-CT2: Community, Cultural, Leisure and Sports Facilities
Policy ONG-CT3: Transport and Movement
Policy ONG-CT4: Infrastructure Priorities
Policy ONG-CT5: Footpaths and Cycle Route