Ongar Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2033 (ONP) Appendix: Projects and Actions includes a variety of proposals to enhance and protect the distinctive character of our historic town and its surrounding countryside, which will be needed as the town grows. The varied projects are drawn from surveys and opinion gathered whilst producing Ongar Neighbourhood Plan.
OTC has now been asked to help progress some projects or actions in 2024-2025. Such involvement could help volunteers and local organisations, including in securing funding. We hope you will support this by encouraging your friends, neighbours, and your Organisation to get involved with a project for Ongar that is close to your heart.
The value of ONP Projects and Actions are explained (see Ongar Neighbourhood Plan website / documentation page), but are not exhaustive. Below are egs. from our document:
Improving the viability of our historic town centre through improving the attractiveness of the centre itself, diversifying existing buildings’ uses within the wider centre, including for community, recreational, cultural and leisure; providing more youth facilities; aswell as more effective promotion of our small town centre’s offering including visitor attractions such as our historic assets, Epping Ongar Railway, and long distance footpaths.
Improving and adding new walking and cycle routes within the parish including as safe walking routes to schools. That includes re-surfacing of some of our muddy long distance footpaths. Taking forward imaginative ideas already suggested to provide better public transport e.g. from Epping Station in the evenings. Pursuing ways of increasing existing car parking provision for residents and employees, including to be able to get cars off pavements and grass verges.
Looking after and enhancing our natural environment. Various projects and actions would help to protect our wildlife. E.g. more tree planting including on the ‘Long Walk’ and better management of some semi natural spaces.
Now spring is here, please support some community action to improve our historic town.
Mary Dadd, Chairman ONPCG https://www.ongarneighbourhoodplan.uk/